Comprobante de ingresos para la solicitud de visa de los Países Bajos

Cualquier ciudadano extranjero que ingrese a los Países Bajos con una visa holandesa por cualquier período de tiempo debe demostrar que puede mantenerse económicamente durante su estadía. Si, por alguna razón, el extranjero no puede mantenerse a sí mismo, debe tener un patrocinador en los Países Bajos que pueda mantenerlo.

En cualquier caso, existen requisitos de ingresos que el solicitante y/o su patrocinador deben proporcionar a las autoridades holandesas para que se procese su solicitud de visa/permiso de residencia. Por lo tanto, la persona que solicita una visa holandesa debe presentar un comprobante de ingresos de los Países Bajos que cumpla con los estándares establecidos por las autoridades holandesas.

¿Cuáles son los requisitos de prueba de ingresos de los Países Bajos?

Si desea ir a los Países Bajos a vivir, trabajar o visitar a su familia durante un período de tiempo prolongado, debe demostrar que puede mantenerse económicamente. Del mismo modo, si está patrocinando a alguien para que venga a los Países Bajos, también debe tener una cantidad específica de ingresos para ser elegible.

Las autoridades holandesas se refieren a su salario de seguridad social (SV-loon) al verificar si cumple con los requisitos de cantidad para Holanda. Utilizan el SV-loon para calcular la cantidad de impuestos y contribuciones a la seguridad social que paga. El VS-loon se indica en su nómina.

Calculadora de prueba de ingresos

Utilice la calculadora a continuación para determinar los requisitos de prueba de ingresos de los Países Bajos para cada categoría, en función de su salario de seguridad social (SV-loon), a partir de enero de 2019:

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Choose one of the options belowA Schengen visa applicant (with holiday allowance)A Schengen visa applicant (without holiday allowance)Your partner/spouse (with holiday allowance)Your partner/spouse (without holiday allowance)Another family member (with holiday allowance)Another family member (without holiday allowance)A higher education student (with holiday allowance)A higher education student (without holiday allowance)A secondary education or senior secondary vocational education student (with holiday allowance)A secondary education or senior secondary vocational education student (without holiday allowance)A medical residence permit for a married foreign national (with holiday allowance)A medical residence permit for a married foreign national (without holiday allowance)A medical residence permit for a foreign national who is single or a single parent (with holiday allowance)A medical residence permit for a foreign national who is single or a single parent (without holiday allowance)
Choose one of the options below

Choose one of the options belowA Schengen visa applicant (with holiday allowance)A Schengen visa applicant (without holiday allowance)Your partner/spouse (with holiday allowance)Your partner/spouse (without holiday allowance)Another family member (with holiday allowance)Another family member (without holiday allowance)A higher education student (with holiday allowance)A higher education student (without holiday allowance)A secondary education or senior secondary vocational education student (with holiday allowance)A secondary education or senior secondary vocational education student (without holiday allowance)A medical residence permit for a married foreign national (with holiday allowance)A medical residence permit for a married foreign national (without holiday allowance)A medical residence permit for a foreign national who is single or a single parent (with holiday allowance)A medical residence permit for a foreign national who is single or a single parent (without holiday allowance)
Choose one of the options below

Select one of the options belowStudy residence permit for a university/higher education studentStudy residence permit for a secondary education or senior secondary vocational education studentWork Permit (with holiday allowance)Work Permit (without holiday allowance)Researcher, guest lecturer or physician residence permit (with holiday allowance)Researcher, guest lecturer or physician residence permit (without holiday allowance)Residence permit for action programme of the European Union (with holiday allowance)Residence permit for action programme of the European Union (without holiday allowance)Highly skilled migrantResidence permit as a self-employed personPermanent Residence Permit (with holiday allowance)Permanent Residence Permit (without holiday allowance)Work in arts or cultureMedical Residence PermitAu Pair Residence Permit (with holiday allowance)Au Pair Residence Permit (without holiday allowance)Other Dutch Residence Permit (with holiday allowance)Other Dutch Residence Permit (without holiday allowance)
Select one of the options below

Choose your occupationActorLeader and second violins, violas, and double basses​Artistic director in a dance/musical/cultural worksh