The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) wants to limit discretionary work authorizations for internationals who receive final orders of removal and who have been released from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) custody, temporarily, through an order of supervision (OSUP).
The proposal has been announced by the USCIS and has been planned as an effort to protect American workers, as well as to strengthen immigration enforcement, VisaGuide.World reports.
“Autorizar beneficios laborales a extranjeros que ya han tenido el debido proceso y el gobierno de los EE. UU. ha ordenado su deportación socava el estado de derecho y debilita las operaciones de ejecución y deportación del DHS”, ha señalado el subdirector de políticas de los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos, Joseph Edlow. fuera en este sentido.
Según él, la medida también eliminaría el incentivo económico para que estos internacionales no cooperen, en un intento por obtener “ documentos de viaje para regresar a sus países de origen”. ”
Through the order of supervision, the DHS is engaged to observe internationals with final orders of removal, who have been released from DHS custody, temporarily, until the Department of Homeland and Security has the travel documents that are needed to remove internationals from the United States.
The Order of Supervision is formed by some conditions for release, which also includes a requirement that internationals to cooperate in procuring the travel documents for removal and presenting themselves for removal, once it is arranged.
At present, internationals who obtain a final order of removal and who have temporarily been released from the Department of Homeland and Security custody on the order of supervision are eligible for an employment authorization document (EAD).
“This creates a disincentive for the alien to depart or cooperate with their home country to obtain travel documents to depart the US. These aliens have used substantial government resources throughout the removal process and have ultimately been ordered removed from the US by an immigration judge,” USCIS has announced in its statement.
The proposed rule permits only a small subset of these internationals for discretionary employment authorizations, providing that they would be eligible to demonstrate that DHS has determined that their removal from the US is “impracticable”.
El mes pasado, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de los Estados Unidos presentó la regla final provisional, cambiando varias regulaciones al programa de visas H-1B, también conocido como “visa de persona en ocupación especializada” , en un intento por “ fortalecer el programa de clasificación de visas ”.
Los cambios provisionales de la regla final se aplicaron a la definición de “ocupación especializada”, para alinearse mejor con el significado del término. Por lo tanto, USCIS anunció que se agregarían palabras como «lugar de trabajo» y «lugar de trabajo de terceros», y enfatizó que también se revisaría el propósito del «empleador de los Estados Unidos».